Color chart textile> Textile bundle color chart

Assembled by a ring, a screw, a metal cable, the bundle color chart constitutes a sales tool or rather a sales object. Its shape allows it to open like a fan and easily compare the different samples with each other. The bundle color chart is particularly ergonomic. It allows the user to bring the color chart closer to another object in their interior decor.
The bundle color chart is an object that is easy to transport by the sales force and above all durable over time. Perfectly suited to the classification of shades by range, you can add dividers, play with formats to distinguish paint families, embellish it with cardboard explanatory sheets at the beginning or end of the color chart. The cover will be an opportunity to promote the company and sometimes even create personalized prints with the names of your distributors.
Finally, the bundle color chart is scalable. Do you want to delete a record or add one? It is very simple.